Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back from Mexico

Just got my film back from Mexico, luckily we left before the earthquake happened. I hope everyone is o.k. SBC magazine is doing a feature so un till then I can't really post much. Here's a few along with some other photos from this month. Expect a commercial and a full video soon as I was the filmer on this trip.

Matt Berger hating the worst travel day ever, we actually lost our pilots and broke the steering on the plane!

Mexican security

A view from our VW beetle taxi

Arte stretches out his jet lagg

Film from my Nikon f3

Some diaries i've been working on, Spencer Hamilton on his roof. (4x5)

Evan Smith from the DC tour, switch backside heelflip.

Paul Machnau, smithgrind

Tony Ferguson , backside tail published in the new SBC magazine.

Robson street icerink

Richmond construction

Robson street

Cypress mtn sled track