I wasn't sure about a 3 week tour in a motor home but it's been a great time with our crew, comfortable too we have beds, a fridge, TV, microwave and a dinner table. On the trip is: John Hanlon,Scott Decenzo, Sascha Daley, Micky Pappa, Tyler Gauthier, Zack Barton, TM Danny Marshall and our TV star driver, Rick Yemm from IRT Deadliest roads.
Here's a few photos, you can check out SBC magazine and the RDS Clothing site's for more details. There will be lots more updates over the next 3 weeks.
Parliment crew in Ottawa ,PJ Ladd, Scott Decenzo, Ryan Decezno, Mitch Barrett, Ricky Yemm, SEan Conover, Pat Duffy, Chris Troy and Sascha Daley.
Sascha Daley and Ryan Decenzo working on their hippie jumps for breakfast.
Our crew heads out for dinner, left to right. PJ Ladd, Ryan Decenzo, Scott Decenzo, Pat Duffy, Sean Conover, Mitch Barrett, Zach Barton, Danny Marshall, Chris Troy, Sascha Daley.
Chris Troy, noseslide in Montreal.
Sascha Daley, nosegrind up the hubba at Ashbridges park.
Ollie in then pivot fakie by Scott Decenzo , Ashbridges park

The RV pulls over for food and ammo
Zach Barton films the demo in the Peg
Scott Decenzo flipping in the West Edmonton mall.
Sascha Daley at Lake Louise with his new slingshot
Scott Decenzo, switch flip at gateway park